How Does 6 Mukhi Rudraksha Affect the Human Body?
6 Mukhi Rudraksha is known to be the bead of strategy, decision-making, and immediate effectiveness. Every person has a feeling of anxiety, stress, and indecisiveness running in their minds at least once in a long time. Sometimes, these issues make the person lethargic in taking future courses of action and sometimes, the person becomes too anxious to make a proper decision.
This is where 6 Mukhi Rudraksha makes a difference. Typically for the people who need not be anxious about small things in life, 6 Mukhi Rudraksha does the trick to keep them in check.
6 Mukhi Rudraksha is more of a healer of sorts for a lot of people who are mentally and emotionally wrecked and stressed. At times, it is more about what not a person should go through than how to get over all that the person is going through and 6 Mukhi Rudraksha with its powers comes in handy.
Body Parts Affected by 6 Mukhi Rudraksha
The thinking side of the body is the first attacked organ if the person is under tremendous stress. The brain is considered to be the haven of ideas and positivities. The brain is also the center of the control system so if there is anything that goes wrong with the brain, the entire body stops functioning. This is why, the brain has to be in the best of shapes and thus, 6 Mukhi Rudraksha is a great decision to have for people who are stressed and tired and find it difficult to understand that they need to give in to their inhibitions, accept the reality and be happy about the same as well.
The mind is the part of the brain. It is the emotional side of the brain, which is the logical side. Every person feels completely sane and yet, they have an insane feeling of being unconsulted during the important aspects of the life of theirs and their loved ones. This is the feeling of overthinking overanalyzing or even anxiety. Mind is like a treasure trove of ideas but every time mind doesn't have to be able to be at its level best. If that is the matter then a person needs to rewind and tell themselves, it is not about their mistakes and errors and it is normal to feel out of place for some time.
This is why, there is a huge chance that if you are the one feeling like such then you can try wearing 6 Mukhi Rudraksha and find solace in the real you without worrying about your life threats and things you feel you have missed out upon.
A lot of people have noted that they have a habit of procrastination or laziness. Their minds deny their body and feet to act upon anything and they listen to it because they are already double thinking if they want to make their lives poor or not. 6 Mukhi Rudraksha affects your feet because when your brain gives you a signal to work on something and not be lazy about it, the maximum times you just stand up from your seat makes you active and compliant enough to work the same and become better.
6 Mukhi Rudraksha affects the feet because this stimulation of getting up to achieve greater heights is possible with 6 Mukhi Rudraksha because the unwillingness to work for something goes off the moment your lousiness is thrown off the purview. So 6 Mukhi Rudraksha makes you active, ready for work, and achieve greater heights.
When we said above that 6 Mukhi Rudraksha helps you get back up on your feet, it implied the fact that legs too are important as the moment you have stood up, your legs need to actively start moving towards achieving that target and converting the same into reality. Legs are affected by 6 Mukhi Rudraksha because the moment you know you have to make a mark for yourself, there are your legs that need to start moving and for the brain to send prompt signals to the legs to get up and start moving, there has to be a proper system and that can be established by 6 Mukhi Rudraksha for efficient working.
The same reason as cited above, when the brain sends a signal for something to be done, hands and legs are equally involved being the limbs that can make any thought or desire into action and this is why, 6 Mukhi Rudraksha can affect the hands so that the person can make themselves a better version of themselves and the target is achieved without fail.
Being part of hands, arms are also affected by 6 Mukhi Rudraksha for the hands to start feeling the pressure and importance and start working, the arms have to be in active condition so that even if there is anything that can make a person lethargic, lazy or unwilling, they should be able to make their way into the same. 6 Mukhi Rudraksha is very important to wear for people who want to do something but are very lazy or indecisive about their decisions and desires making them very prone to committing an error.
A lot of people know that our body has a huge network of nerves and veins. All these nerves run from one part of the body to another, from the biggest organ to the smallest one and from the strongest part of the human body to the weakest part of the human body. This is why, it is almost like a huge web of the veins and arteries and nerves. These nerves don’t just run straight from one place to another and thus, if there is an intersection, that makes for the nerve joints. The human body has 112 nerve joints and at any given point in time, 108 of these joints are always active. 7 of these nerve joints lie in a straight line and are the biggest nerve joints, known as nerve centers. Read more about the nerve joints and nerve center here.
These nerve centers are called Chakras and the nerve center that lands in the throat of the person is called the Visshuddhi CHakra or the Throat Chakra and 6 Mukhi Rudraksha guards that spot. So the people wearing 6 Mukhi Rudraksha are also blessed with a good voice, the confidence to speak up without being held back, and the understanding of not being under the influence of anything unwanted that can cut off the power the wearer has due to a misdemeanor.
This article was only focussed on the health and physical benefits of 6 Mukhi Rudraksha to a wearer. We would love to help you with more details on 6 Mukhi Rudraksha here.
Until then, do connect with us at wa.me/918542929702 or info@rudrakshahub.com for any feedback and we shall see you very soon with something new and interesting at Rudraksha Hub..!!